Darren Hamilton Law Office provides Power of Attorney legal services for all of our clients. Our team experienced Power of Attorney lawyers have the ability to prepare the necessary documentation and to act on behalf of our clients in a particular situation or circumstance. Our client approach and dedication to our clients ensures that each client receives trustworthy guidance and advice when selecting a representative.

Power of Attorney Services in Calgary, AB

Power of Attorney Services in Calgary, ABDarren Hamilton Law Office has the experience and authority to care for our clients’ financial and personal affairs in case of incapacity. We provide expert guidance to our clients to help plan for times of incapacity and relieve emotional stress from family members and loved ones. Although not every person will become mentally incapacitated to the point where they are unable to make their own decisions, appointing a Power of Attorney will relieve the burden and stress upon incapacitation. Our team of expert legal advisors in Calgary are dedicated to helping our clients prepare for the future. Our lawyers have the resources and the knowledge to simplify the process and to provide advice with respect to our client’s needs.

Personal Directives and Power of Attorney Services

Our lawyers are expert legal advisors when it comes to helping our clients prepare for the future. We prepare Personal Directives, also known as “Living Wills,” to protect our clients’ wishes and to ensure that the appointed representative has the ability to make personal decisions on behalf of our client upon incapacitation. These personal decisions can include health care arrangements, living arrangements, authorization for surgery, and nutrition.

We have the ability establish an Enduring Power of Attorney for our clients in the case of incapacity. We ensure that the appointed representative will represent our client’s best interests and will manage their property or financial affairs upon incapacitation.

Our expert services include:

  • Specific Power of Attorney
  • General Power of Attorney
  • Enduring Power of Attorney
  • Personal Directives

Trusted Representation and Power of Attorney Services

Trusted Representation and Power of Attorney ServicesAt Darren Hamilton Law Office, we understand that planning for incapacitation is an emotionally sensitive issue. At our firm, we provide our clients with an open atmosphere to discuss these issues in a private setting. Our legal advisors have years of experience in providing trusted guidance to our clients for all matters relating to appointing representation through Personal Directives or Power of Attorney documents. We carefully guide our clients through the process, from start to finish. Our unwavering dedication to our clients has helped to build our reputation for being a top law firm in Calgary.

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